Tips For Living Through A Renovation
If you’re trying to decide whether or not living in your home during a renovation is the right move for your family, visit this post that gives you some important questions to ponder before making a decision.
So, you’ve decided to stay put… now what? Many of our clients decide to continue living at home during a renovation. We try to make the process easier by offering these tips:
Expect the Unexpected
A renovation is a good time to figure out how to tap into your inner zen. There will be issues – backorders and shipment delays, broken tiles, paint mishaps. It happens. We’ve all heard the horror stories. This is where a trusted and experienced interior designer is worth their weight in gold. When we’re involved in your project, all of those inevitable little headaches become ours – not yours – to deal with.
Keep Your Eye on the Prize
Daydreaming is encouraged! When the going gets tough, look back at your inspiration images to reignite your excitement, picture the family-filled Thanksgiving dinners you’re going to host in your new kitchen, and go ahead and treat yourself to the plush new bath towels you won’t be using until next year. Know that the hard part ends and the outcome will be worth every bump along the way.
Create a Designated “Safe Space”
This is especially important if you have kids or pets. Give yourself peace of mind by knowing that at least one room or wing of the house is free of dust, debris, and danger. This room will likely become your haven to spend quiet time as a family during the reno so make sure it’s comfortable and provides space for reading, watching TV, homework – whatever your family needs.
Set Up A Temporary Kitchen
If you’re renovating your kitchen, you’ll need an interim space to prepare food. If you have the room for it, it’s ideal to move your existing fridge into this space and have at least one large work table for a microwave, disposable dishes, hot plate, etc. A multi-level storage shelf acts as a great makeshift pantry. Embrace the opportunity to slack off from cooking and order takeout when you need a mood boost.
Embrace The Outdoors
This is when coming in Florida lives in handy. This is the time to take advantage of outdoor living spaces if you have them – pools, fire pits, and outdoor dining spaces can all offer a respite from the chaos and expand your livable space when the indoors are being worked on.
Plan A Vacation
Doctor’s orders! It doesn’t have to be far from home and it doesn’t have to be expensive but plan at least one getaway during your project. There is nothing better than checking into a hotel, drawing a hot bath in a giant soaking tub, and wrapping up in a cozy robe when you feel like you’ve been camping for the last six months. This is one of those things that feels hard to justify when you’re already spending a lot of money, but it’s guaranteed to recharge your battery when you desperately need the motivation to keep going.